Thursday 11 September 2008

Chief Omusinja

It's really strange to be contemplating leaving. Travelling back down from Masindi on roads that have more potholes than road surface, and the images that constantly confront you. The first picture is a random roadside shot, showing how shops cling to the side of the road. There are plots for sale, and the country does have a growing economy. Fertile soils and ample rainfall yet still poverty.

We met with the WaterAid Uganda staff and went through all we had seen and done. There was constructive debate on what is working well and what could go better, but my conclusion is that they are definately doing a great job. The involvement of partners and the adoption of a subsidy strategy, rather than entire funding, has involved local communities and they own the projects.

So relatively little money can make such a major difference to peoples lives.

I managed to acquire a wonderful Ugandan shirt, the designs in the second photo. I have also got a Ugandan middle name. It is the custom for Ugandans, and many other African countries to have an English as well as a tribal name, so I thought it only courteous to do the same. I am now David "Omusinja", which means variously friendly, christmas and handsome (at least that what they said).

Leaving is going to be hard, they are such great people and there is so much to do, but when I'm back I will be talking and explaining about what I have seen and done, and with your help we can continue to help maintain and save lives.

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