Thursday, 11 September 2008


Saturday was a great day, although the travel was really difficult, and the villages very remote, the welcome has been amazing. Where WaterAid has not yet been able to intervene life is extremely precarious. We have had very warm stable weather, with only the occassional rainstorm. In the wet season access is so much harder, and the water sources so much more vunerable to contamination.

Where WaterAid and partners have intervened, the access to clean water is at least guaranteed. As you can imagine latrines has been a hot topic for us on our trip, and I feel I am building up quite a bit of knowledge on them. WaterAid continues to debvelop the most appropriate and cost effective latrines for the different conditions. We have seen ground conditions vary from sand on the Islands of Lake Victoria to clay interspersed with hard difficult rock layers.

The photos show one of the kids these latrines help and what some of the nice ones can look like.

Before debriefing on Saturday night a few of the team went into Masindi Town and bought a football. At the playing fields we, in a very ad hoc manner, cobbled together an England v Uganda match. It was a very close game with Chris, Dan Anish and Ian scoring a goal each, but victory was saddly stolen from us and it ended in a 5-4 victory for Uganda. Not bad though concidering we had been travelling and working since 600am. On the other hand we did have their keeper, they had no shoes, and were aged between nine and ten. They were fantastic players and there passing game always had our long ball tactics beaten.

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